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Shekinah Reiki
Energy healing that works
Distant Healing
If you’re looking to relieve stress, dissolve depression and shift out of anxiety virtual reiki is one of your best allies ! Reiki therapy is incredibly relaxing. It helps to dissolve old behavioral conditioning, obsessive thought patterns and emotional/mental limitations created by trauma. Virtual Reiki or distant healing allows customers to receive reiki therapy in the comfort of their own home. The scientific term for distant healing is called "distant healing intention” (DHI). DHI may be defined as a compassionate mental act directed toward the health and wellbeing of a distant person. A common feature shared among DHI techniques (such as reiki) is the assumption that distance between the healer and recipient is not a limiting factor. A persons energy system can be access remotely through the quantum field. Once the practitioner and recipient connect in the quantum field via intention, energy is instantly transmitted to the recipient. High frequency electromagnetic energy is sent through the quantum field to the recipients, energetic body. This high frequency energy dissolves lower frequencies , such as depression or anxiety, within the energetic body of the recipient. The real question still remains, does distant healing work? The answer is, yes! Distance healing is equally as effective as an in person healing session!
The Process:
All distant healing sessions will be conducted over zoom. Customers have the option of booking a session directly from the website . There will be a 10 to 15 minute consultation before each session to get an understanding of your situation. Once your consultation is over, put the phone or laptop down, get comfy and I'll do the rest!
Cellular Regeneration Therapy
New healing therapy exclusively available at Shekinah Reiki. Cellular Regeneration Therapy focuses on energetically regenerating three aspects of the cell; telomeres, mitochondria, and stem cells. CRT emits an energetic transmission that stimulates cellular regeneration and reproduction within each cell. CRT provides a synthesis of energetic transmissions formulated to strengthen and lengthen telomeres, increases energy within the cells by increasing mitochondria, and energetically stimulates the stem cells to replace damaged cells within the body. In addition, CRT helps to release attachments to psychological fears. Mental and emotional fears negatively affect the cells ability to function properly. Fear causes energetic disruptions that block cellular communication causing aspects of the cells to remain dormant or inactive. Fear has the ability to severely damage cells and is the number one energetic cause of cellular aging. CRT increases energy levels within the cells and body, assists DNA in accessing its original blueprint and creates energetic "youthing" within the cells. This modality was inspired by the Stargate "Youthing" meditations.
*slows down the aging process
*encourages cellular self-renewal
*energetically realigns and rejuvenates cells and organs
*increases physical health and vitality
*encourages rapid healing after injury or surgery
*assist in releasing fears and attachments to fears
*helps to reprogram old mental and emotional patterns within the body
*increases intuition and extrasensory perception
*releases mental and emotional baggage with the cells
*improves mental clarity
*assists in processing mental and emotional trauma on a cellular level
*helps the body to naturally lengthen and strengthen telomeres
*helps to increase mitochondria within each cell and energizes the body
Sacred Flame Transformation
Sacred Flame Transformation is a technique that calls on the healing energy of the Kabbalah's Holy Shekinah. It's specifically designed to heal the heart. The Holy Shekinah is the feminine indwelling of the Holy Spirit; She is the sacred feminine, the Holy Dove, the Burning Bush. The wisdom of Solomon spoke of the Shekinah. Solomon revealed that the "Shekinah is the Supreme Spirit devoted to the good of all people. The true beginning of a spiritual life is the desire to know the Shekinah." When called, the healing energy of the Shekinah passes through what's called the "Path of the Arrow'" in the Kabbalah's Tree of Life. The energy flows from the Crown of Keter to the Queendom of Malkuth. This healing process can bring spiritual enlightenment and transformation to the recipient. Furthermore, it's a process that assists in healing the heart of trauma, loss, and heartbreak. The Holy Shekinah will aid in opening the heart to Divine love and healing.
My studies with my late teacher, Randy David Jeffers of the Sword and Rose, helped me to develop this incredibly powerful healing process before he passed. I am highly honored to be able to provide this service to the world.
The Process:
The process takes three or more sessions, depending on the client. I start by creating a sacred space before the client arrives. Each client will lay down on a massage table for the treatment. I will light candles, incense, and play soothing music to create a relaxing atmosphere. The client will be fully clothed during the treatment.
Once the client is comfortable I will say a prayer to the Holy Shekinah and ask for the healing process to start. I recommend 90 minutes or 120 minutes for each session. Please note that this process can be very powerful. There will be a point during one of the sessions when the client's heart will become "Open." This is a game changer! Once the heart is open, the ability to connect with the Divine will be limitless.
Traditional Reiki
Reiki is a form of energetic healing using "universal life energy" channeled through the practitioner to the recipient. It provides a deep healing on all levels spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. Reiki is described as a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes self-healing. It was brought forward in our modern time (the late 1920s) by Dr. Mikao Usui, who is regarded as Reiki's founder.
Reiki is a gentle, natural and effective form of vibrational healing that easily works hand-in-hand with medical and therapeutic techniques. Often enhancing greater comfort from pain relief and speeding recovery processes. Reiki is known to help with virtually every known medical, mental, emotional, and spiritual modality, and is one of the best preventative health practices available. Reiki is 100% safe spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically.
How Reiki Works:
Reiki energy empowers the body to heal itself, it propels personal growth, reduces aches, pains, stress and headaches. The Reiki practitioner places their hands gently on or above the body. This begins the Reiki energy flow. Often Reiki recipients describe feelings as hot, cold, vibration, pressure, heaviness, and butterflies. There are instances when the Reiki recipient feels nothing at all but that does not mean the Reiki is not flowing. Most receivers of Reiki fall into a deep and peaceful state of natural relaxation, while others fall into a light peaceful sleep. Some clients experience visions or astral projection.
Reiki is high vibrational electromagnetic energy, it flows into the body along pathways (meridians) and energy centers (chakras) it unblocks areas of built-up repressed energy. Removing the blockages within the meridians and chakras allows energy within the body to begin to flow naturally, thus eliminating aches and pains, nourishing vital organs, and allowing the body systems to function properly.
A typical Reiki healing session can last from 65 minutes to 120 minutes. Traditional Reiki sessions will involve a range of hand positions that have become commonly accepted and used by modern Reiki traditions. While these traditional hand positions usually follow an order, intuitive variations will occur based on the inner guidance of the practitioner.
The Process:
The client lays down on a massage table for the treatment. I normally light candles, incense, and play soothing music to create a relaxing atmosphere. Clients are fully clothed during the treatment.
Each session begins with a client check-in. I have a brief consultation with each client. This check-in process provides valuable information that enables me to formulate the Reiki sessions intention.
Shamanic Healing
Shamanic Reiki draws its foundations from concepts of shamanic journeying and channeling living energy to create a healing technique that's powerful and effective. Treatment involves the extraction of negative energy and chakra healing techniques. The most integral part of Shamanic Reiki is working with the ancestors.
Another unique aspect of Shamanic Reiki healing is the incorporation of nature spirit and animal guides whom are often called upon to help with the healing process. The practitioner or the client may be in direct communication with these guides.
The Process:
I consult with each client to see which shamanic method suits their specific needs. Once a method is chosen, healing is administered with regard to the time frame chosen. The client will lay down on a comfortable message table while the healing session is taking place. I always check in with each client to make sure she/he is as comfortable as possible.
Ancient Egyptian Healing
Ancient Egyptian Reiki is one of the most powerful and unique forms of Reiki spiritual healing that is available for customers. Ancient Egyptian Reiki utilizes a variety of unique techniques that stand out from traditional Reiki healing and have proven to be extremely beneficial to patients.
The difference between Egyptian reiki and traditional reiki pertains to the different energies used for healing. Reiki is the universal life force while Ancient Egyptian reiki draws healing energy from the five elements namely air, earth, fire, ether (spirit) and water. It directly connects the Egyptian Goddess Isis and the school of mystery. It is designed for deep spiritual healing. Bringing greater balance on all levels.
The Process:
Egyptian reiki is deep healing. I recommend scheduling at least 90 mins for the first session. Each client will lay down on my reiki table. I'll light candles and say a brief prayer to Mother Earth and the Elements. I'll also call upon my spirit guide, my client's spirit guide. I work collectively with the beneficial beings I call on to deliver the most powerful form of healing possible. Feel free to contact me if there are any questions.
Animal Reiki
Animal Reiki is incredibly beneficial for your pet. Your animal companions will Healing is administered by light touch or distant healing. The animals can also receive healing while my hands are hovering above or around its body. Animal reiki is a great compliment to use in conjunction with veterinary care. I have two cats. They seem to really enjoy it.
The Process:
Distant healing provides the best means of administering animal reiki. The time it takes to treat each animal depends on the size and condition of the animal. Multiple treatments may be necessary depending on the condition of your pet.
Pricing: Please contact me directly
~ Reiki Classes~
* Reiki First Degree: The class is an 8-hour introduction into reiki that focuses on physical healing and self -healing. Before we can heal others we must first learn how to heal ourselves. Reiki's first degree or Shoden level provides a framework of idea's and techniques for utilizing reiki for our animals, friends, food, plants, and our bodies. The class provides a first-degree attunement, certificate, and handouts. Students will experience the flow of reiki for the first time! First-degree students will learn:
- The history of reiki
- What is reiki
- Energy, chakras, Auras
-Ethics and Permission
-Hand Positions
-How to give reiki to yourself and others
-Reiki Meditation
-Hands-on practice with other students
* Reiki Second Degree:(Prerequisite of Level I Certification required) The second-degree class is a 2-day course that focuses on healing at the mental/emotional level and increases the channeling power of reiki. Students learn three out of the five sacred symbols. These beautiful symbols are specific tools used for specific reasons within reiki. This level teaches students how to send reiki long distances, how to connect with reiki spiritual guides and increasing intuitive abilities. Reiki level two heals past lives, assists with addiction and clears negative thinking patterns. The class includes level two attunement, certificate, and handouts. Second-degree students will learn:
-Review of level one
- Learn the meaning and use of three sacred symbols
-Learn distant healing
-Increase intuition
-Reiki level two meditation
-Healing on an emotional and mental level
-Hands-on practice with other students
* Reiki Third Degree/Mater Level: (Prerequisite of Level II Certification required) The third-degree class is a 2-day course that focuses on healing at the Spiritual level, as well as teaching reiki to others. This is healing at its deepest level. Students will learn how to turn the work over to our Higher Power/Reiki Guides. All of the sacred symbols are learned and the student will be able to give reiki attunements to others. This is the level where the student becomes a master. The class includes level three attunement, certificate, and handouts. Third Degree students will learn:
-Review of level two
-All 5 sacred symbols
- How to heal on a spiritual level
-How to teach reiki to others
-Opening a private practice
-Reiki level three meditations
-Teaching attunements to others
“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”
-Albert Einstein
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